Starting in January 2002, California began the long process of numbering
all of its freeway exits. There are are almost 6,000 exits on over 90
freeways in the state and all of them were supposed to get either new
signs with exit numbers or have numbers added to existing signs by 2004.
Because of budget problems over the past few years, the program was modified
and with a new completion date of late 2008. Needless to say this date
has been pushed back again. New signs with exit numbers will be installed
whenever existing signs are replaced due to age or construction projects.
Caltrans has created a website that shows the current status of the project
which has been named Cal-NExUS (California Numbered Exit Uniform System).
This site lists the exit numbers for ALL California freeways and it shows
which exits have been signed with an exit number.
Style #1: External Box
In this style, the exit tab is located above
the sign but has a large green, borderless field next to it. From
what I have observed, if a sign and it's sign bridge are replaced,
then this style of sign is typically installed. I have seen, on
occasion, this type of sign installed on an existing bridge.
I found that Highway
60 in Pennsylvania has exit signs (example) that look
very similar to this particular style. |
Style #2: Internal Box
In this style, the exit tab is located within
the sign in an internally drawn box. From what I have seen, this
style is the most common way exit numbers are added to signs on
existing bridges. The use of the internally drawn box may result
in layout changes or shrinking of the text. |
Style #3: Tabbed Exit Number
This is the style that's most commonly
used in the rest of the United States but will probably not be
used by Calrans on overhead signs due to "Wind
Loading Requirements" adopted before the numbering project
was started. For more information about this, read the short
article I found on Daniel Faigin's website below.
However, there a numerous examples within California
of this style exit sign on roadsign signs. |
Gore Point Signs & Mile Markers
These are examples of the new gore point exit signs that are going
to be used in California. Note the 3- and 4-digit layouts are different
from other states.
It is unclear whether Caltrans will installed
Mile Posts (MP) however, they have been installed on State Route
58. They first appeared on the new Mojave Bypass Freeway which
opened September 2003 but I have seen them installed on Hwy 58
as it crosses the Techachapi Mountains between Mojave and Bakersfield. |
California's Signs are Different...
An Explanation from the California
Highways website maintained by Daniel Faigin
minimize costs, the new exit number signs will take advantage of existing
roadside and overhead signs. Where possible, add-on plates will be
used. In some cases, a new sign will be installed. Part of the reason
for wholesale replacement is the fact that button copy, which was previously
used in California, is no longer manufacturer (in other words, the
state was stuck: the old way was no longer possible). Evidently, the
basic approach will be to place number tabs atop the overhead signs
and on advance signs. Ideally, they will go as tabs, but the tabs will,
in some cases, be the same width as the sign panels themselves. There
appears to be a wide variety of approachs. Some districts include the
tab in the sign itself (Style #1); some use
a separately internally drawn box (Style #2), some
use one lines, some use two. Due to new wind loading requirements relating
to fatigue (which were in place before the exit number program started),
this will require redesign of some of the standard sign trusses. For
some signs, if the truss cannot accomodate the extra tab (due to new
wind loading requirements), the exit number will be incorporated into
the sign itself, superimposed on the upper right corner of the sign
panel. In areas where maximum wind loads or existing legends do not
permit placement of an add-on plaque or panel, a new sign would be
installed. More details are available at" |
In Oregon, the exit tabs are centered
on the sign regardless if the exit is a right or left exit off the
freeway. This style was used in Los Angeles when Caltrans first experimented
with exit numbers back in the 1970's. |
In the state
of Washington, instead of using an exit tab, they dedicate the entire
upper portion of the sign to place the exit number. The exit number
is centered on the sign for both right and left exits off the freeway. |