This is my VERY FIRST attempt at a web page! I've always enjoyed surfin' the NET and finally, I have my own page. Being a UCSC student, I get my internet access from the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC). I also have a second account with GotNet. They provide internet access for San Jose and Santa Cruz.
Hopefully, you're viewing my web page using Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer. I've found these two browsers give the best viewing of my web page. I tried viewing this site from AOL's browser and it just doesn't look right.
Hear Homer say doh! Hear Bart laugh or Sideshow Bob grumble. If you like Simpsons sounds, my Simpsons section has a collection of my favorite sounds. There are also links to other Simpsons sites on the web.
Would you like to know about the sports teams in the San Francisco Bay Area. Information and Links for the San Francisco Giants, San Jose Sharks, Golden State Warriors, the San Jose Clash, and the San Francisco 49ers.
Need to Find Something on the Internet Fast?
Try a Yahoo! Search! Just enter a key word or words and then click on the 'Yahoo! Search' button below and you're on your way! YAHOO!!!!
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Since this is my first attempt, please send me e-mail with your comments to...